Experiential design for domestic and international family entertainment centers.

Location based entertainment design for National Geographic, Mattel, and Real Madrid leveraging AR, VR, projection mapping, interactive games, and simulations around the world.

Concept Art

Brand Identity

Interactive Design

Experiential Activations

Branch Narrative Design

Graphic Design

National Geographic.

Ultimate Explorer.

Nat Geo required creative direction for immersive family entertainment centers that would be built in collaboration with IP2 Entertainment, PEL Interactive, and SimworX.

They sought to create a place where families felt empowered to explore multiple scientific disciplines and walk away inspired by the natural beauty of the world around us.

Abu Dhabi, Mexico, China

Creative and art direction.

Elyse Fulcher established high level concepts for the interactive park as a whole as well as its individual attractions, assuring narrative and visual continuity for guests. 

During production and construction, she was responsible for quality assurance of set design.


Mission: Play

Currently being constructed in Germany. Elyse led early conceptual design, with a focus on inspiring kids to confidently own their interests and create their own stories through play.

Park Narrative

Activation Narrative

Interactive Designs

Real Madrid.

Interactive football experience centre.

Originally set to build in China, Elyse was a creative lead on this immersive entertainment center for Real Madrid Football Club’s international fans.

Park Narrative

Interactive Designs